White and red. Alpha and Omega of the wine world. Stars of the Rheingau. Riesling and Pinot Noir. These magnificent grape varieties mirror the most captivating characteristics of our region. Every year is different. But always exciting. Not just a little bit. Riesling and Pinot Noir need tender loving care, and lots of it. But they’ll give you everything they’ve got. It’s never boring with them. Not ever.

To make it easier to find your way through our world of wines, we make a distinction between 3 different categories: Basis (basics), Klassiker (classics) and Charakterköpfe (individualists). Most of our wines are dry in taste and as of the 2010 vintage these wines no longer bear any term on the label to indicate dryness. Wines that have a slight sweetness are labeled “feinherb”, or off-dry. Wines showing prominent residual sugar carry the term “fruchtig”, or fruity.

Here you’ll find our standard wines, created for everyday drinking pleasure. Try the “Sommerlaune” to sweep you off to a delightful summer feeling!

Here you’ll find our wines with special finesse, like our Riesling from the Doosberg or Lenchen vineyards in Oestrich.

Here you’ll find the expressive personalities, like our Riesling from the Rottland vineyard in Rüdesheim.

Unsere neue Spitzenlinie

Here you’ll find the wine concept Rheingau Riesling Remastered – space, time and energy compacted into pure wine enjoyment, because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Everything all in one box. A first introduction. How practical!